Tuesday, August 18, 2009


There isn't much change to report today. Some of her blood from when she was admitted started showing signs of bacterial growth. Which was to be expected with all the dead tissue floating around inside her. They have had her on three different antibiotics anyway which they said between them the infection shouldn't spread. She is still getting platelets and blood, because of the issues she is having from the DIC, which was talked about in yesterday's post. The biggest change today is they are going to start her on TPN, which is the intravenous nutrition that will provide her with what she needs to live. She is scheduled for surgery tomorrow afternoon now to put the pieces of bowel together inside her, and possibly close her up depending on how swollen she is. One of her lungs is collapsed partially and the other has some fluid around the top. We were told that this wasn't something to worry about that it will go away but is something that can happen while being on the respirator. Keep praying for her she needs it, especially tomorrow for surgery.


Stacey said...

Love you guys! You're in my thoughts and prayers all day:)

Unknown said...

Many many people from Grace Community Church Children's Ministry are praying for you (thanks to Gail Rachow).