Friday, September 11, 2009

9/11/2009 Out of the PICU

Well sorry for such a long delay on the update, but with me starting a new job things have been a lil crazy. So, since last time they removed the breathing tube again and has been doing just fine with absolutely no help breathing. There has been no sign of any infection either. There was a two or three day period where she was on a withdrawal medicine, she was very fussy during this time. they were able to take all the IV's out of her except one, which was in her head, for her dex, her withdrawal med. She could not leave the PICU while on this med, so we had to wait for a few extra days while she was weened off of it. Till now she has been on the floor for her third day today, and is now IV free. They were able to start feeding her also through her G-Tube. They started at only one cc an hour continuously. And for those who don't know how much that is it's about a fifth of a teaspoon. They start off so small to make sure she can tolerate the feeds then slowly increase. The problem that is very commonly run into is severe diarrhea, which we have not encountered yet, and we are now at 4 cc's an hour. The reasoning behind the continuous feeds is that it can be much harder for her to digest it all at once which is called boles feeding. This is though something that we are working towards once we establish she is able to tolerate her feeds. The goal is when she comes home is to not have her be on continuous feeds. The surgical team is pleased with her progress and the healing of her abdomen. The GI (gastrointestinal) Doctors plan on increasing her feeds to 5 cc's tomorrow if everything goes well, and possibly start some sort of feeds by mouth. It is very hard to do this though when she is getting so little, but there is also a worry about her forgetting how to eat properly. Today we spoke to physical and occupational therapy. Physical therapy will be helping us with her major muscle development, and occupational therapy will help with things like eating and speech and eye movement and more mental development type stuff. With Mackenzie being premature and her current situation, she is qualified for at home therapy sessions, to help make sure she is making proper progress. As it turns out we will probably not qualify for any at home nursing care, we could get something with periodical visits but that is it. All in all it has been a very good couple weeks with some progress. I would also like to thank everyone for their support and prayers. And don't for get to say a prayer for those lost eight years ago on 9/11.

O give thanks to the lord, call on his name; make known his doings among the peoples.
1 Chronicles 16:8

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